Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Natural beauty tips

Beauty tips for various skin problems at home availability fruits and products 

Beauty tips for face glow       : Mix banana with olive oil. Apply it on face. Leave it for half an hour to one hour, then wash your face.
Tips to remove Wrinkles       : Apply cabbage juice on your face regularly as facial mask.
To make skin clear and soft  : Mix sandal powder with lemon juice, make it into paste, apply it on your face as facial mask, lemon removes all dust particles and get your skin clear.Sandal makes your face soft and get brighten skin. Sandal is the best natural product for skin brightening. 

Food for beautiful skin.
    1) Tips to improve skin color : Mix honey, turmeric powder and saffron and eat it before going to bed at night.
    2) Drink orange juice regularly, it is best tips to get white skin.
    3) Foods to make skin glow, eat  manjal karisalankanni [eclipta procera] regularly. Slowly it makes your skin turns to golden skin glow.
    4) Eat  koraikizhangu[cyprus rotundus] with honey makes healthy diet for skin glow.
    5) Foods to improve beauty - Take [Arugam pul] Bermuda grass juice , drink regularly, it improves your skin tone.


Nutan Sinha said...

Drinking orange juice surely improves complexion and makes complexion flawless too.

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