Saturday, 21 December 2013

Best supplements for Muscle gain

How to gain muscles???

1)Eat pumpkin regularly up to 3 months, it is the best tips to get muscle for those who have lean or skinny muscle body.
2)Tips to gain weight fast – Drink milk with honey  at night every day, This makes to weight gain and this is the best weight  gainer.
3)Food supplements  to gain muscles – Eat high protein content food  such as ground nuts, milk, egg, banana, fish, chicken.
   These are all high protein rich food supplements.This make you to gain weight and build body muscles quickly, but if you are taking this food regularly.
   For Example
Daily Protein intake calculations
      If your weight is 40 kg, you should take (2*40)gm of protein food daily.

4)Tips for lean or skinny body – It is very important  that lean or skinny muscle body to build muscle. Iron and calcium are very necessary nutrients required for lean or skinny body. Ragi[millet] malt and dates are rich in iron and calcium nutrients. Iron and calcium are very important food supplements  for lean or skinny muscle body to build muscle.


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