Monday, 31 December 2012

How to get glowing skin

How to make glow face

Simple tips to get glowing skin naturally.
Here we need just 3.
2)Olive oil.
 How to make a natural scrub for oily skin to get bright and soft skin naturally.  

  >>Take that three ingredients and make that mixed in a bowl.
  >>Leave it for a few minutes.It seems to be a paste.
  >>Apply it on your face and gently massage it.
  >>Leave it for a few minutes and take wash.
  It removes oil on face and make your skin oily free, your skin becomes bright , fresh and soft.Due to lemon, rich in vitamin C it makes glow your skin.And the olive oil makes you to get white skin.It is the best natural face care product.

Quick tips
  Olive oil is the best product to make your skin glow naturally within few weeks.Even it is good for children.Apply olive oil to total body of children, gently massage over the body and leave it for 30 to 60 minutes.

    Lemon is used to clean face.Olive oil is used to nourish the skin, to get smooth skin.This two products makes to have beautiful skin.It is one of the beauty tips for skin.



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