Friday, 30 November 2012

Best shampoo for strong and silky hair

  How to grow black hair.
   This is the simple tips to grow hair black and shiny.In  order  to get natural black hair, we need to use natural products to get black hair, shiny hair, soft hair which is to be easy.

   >>Natural products like sikaikai [soapnut acacia] ,take that powder and mix it with rice malt.
   >>keep it for few minutes and apply it instead of shampoo.
   >>Do this up to 2 weeks.
   >>Then you will get black and dark hair.Your hair will healthy an strong.
   >>It stops falling hair , it gives nutrition to your hair so hair fall or hair loss will not be occur.
Quick tips  
   Chemical shampoo may cause damage in your hair and also causes hair loss.If you are using shampoo try to use same branded shampoo.If you change the shampoo frequently then you will lose hair.Try to use herbal and natural products which enhance the growth of hair , your hair will become more stronger and black.


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