Thursday, 26 December 2013

How to increase memory power

How to improve your memory power?

Two ways to improve memory:
         1)Supplements for memory power.
         2)Games to enhance memory power.

Here is some memory supplements, it helps to improve your brain power naturally.

>> Cut kozhlai kilangu[Botanical name : Cyperus Rotundus] into pieces and mix with honey and then eat it.
>> Vallarai[Botanical name : Gotu Kota] is used to improve memory.
>> Thudhuvalai [Purple fruited pea egg plant]  is very good memory supplements. Mix thudhuvalai with Ghee and prepare  it as curry.
>> Pomegranate is also used  to increase brain power.

Games to improve memory.
>> Focus a small dot on a wall for few minutes, actually it is one of the memory improvement games and  makes to improve the concentration.


earnest Q said...

Thanks for the information... Having a strong memory will help you to make things without any fail and make things more effectively.
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