Sunday, 8 September 2013

Cure for baldness

Hair regrowth in bald head

Yes, its true.Onion is used for hair growth.Onion also reversing grey hair.Onion have been used for hundreds of years to treat thin and greying hair.It is used to cure baldness.
Onion is rich in sulfur which is essential nutrients,which helps in regenerating the hair follicles and promoting hair growth.Onion juice helps to improve the circulations to the hair follicles.It stimulate hair growth.If you are facing lot of problems of hair fall, bald patches on your head especially male pattern baldness, who want to length their hair, try use onion (onion juice).It also helps to kills germs , parasites, and fungal infections, it can aid in prevention of hair loss.

How to make onion juice to prevent hair loss
   Make onion juice by juicer.
How to use onion juice for hair grow faster
    Apply onion juice on the hair follicles and the region of bald patches.Gently massage it for few minutes.Leave if for half an hour to as long as you can. Do it daily or atleast three times in a week.For quick result use daily and wash it with diluted shampoo.
  You can see the results with in a month.
  Onion is best hair loss treatment for androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata.It stimulates hair regrowth.And it is the natural cure for baldness.


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