Tuesday, 1 January 2013

How to get black and shiny hair naturally

Hibiscus leaves+Hibiscus petals[flower]=black+Strong+shiny+hair
Essential oils to make our  Natural hair black and dark.
    >>If you want your hair to be black hair, try to use coconut oil along with sesame oil.Apply that into your scalp directly and gently massage your head to improve blood circulation.Then you will getdark black hair within few weeks.

    >>Use  olive oil twice per week. Heat that olive oil.Apply that olive oil with mild heat on your scalp, and gently massage it.Leave it for 30 minutes.
Then try to use sivakai[herbal product] to wash your hair.If you want to use shampoo, then don't apply that directly, make that into dilute and use it.Mostly herbal products helps us to get long hair, black and shiny hair, soft hair, strong hair and healthy hair.
  >>Use Hibiscus leaves and flower on your hair. Take that leaves and flower , make it into a paste, apply that directly into your hair for half an hour.Then wash it by using herbal products like sihaikai or diluted shampoo .

Benefits of hibiscus for hair.
   >> Hibiscus is used to prevent hair loss, premature greying and it promotes natural hair growth .Hibiscus is used to make the hair smooth, shiny and bouncy .Actually the leaves and flowers of hibiscus is used for hair treatment, and also used to make natural hair care products, masks and its oil is used to prevent and control hair problems.

    >>It protects the chemical and natural pollutants.It reduces the oiliness of hair so there is not much possible that pollutants stick on your hair.Hibiscus for hair not only balances the pH of the scalp, but also reduces the redness, and itching problem of the scalp.
    >>This prevents hair fall, improves blood circulation to the scalp and it improves hair growth.It also make soft hair and makes the hair more shiny.
     >>So hibiscus for hair care,prevent hair loss,promote hair growth, home and natural remedies for hair, hibiscus oil is to treat dandruff, Home remedies for hair.It helps to increase hair growth.


Meena said...

Useful information, natural is always best

NaturalSelectionCity.blogspot.com said...

Cool, I wasn't aware of hair color naturally with a flower!
We learn something new everyday!


Simone said...

Very nice post , thanks for teaching me something new .

Nutan Sinha said...

Natural remedies are always best to cure any beauty tips. You are really wonderful in presenting all natural remedies for us.

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