Saturday, 18 August 2012

Home remedies for acne

Beauty tips and healthy tips of Papaya:
The leaves , seeds and fruits of papaya having a valuable medicine characters.Papaya are used as beauty product.
Lets see how papaya used to enhance beauty and benefits of papaya.

>>Papaya is used as medicine for stomach disorders.

>>Papaya also helps for digestion.
>>Milk from the papaya is used to kill the germs found in the stomach.

>>The peal of papaya is used to remove pimples and dark circles found on the skin( Apply the peal of papaya as mask on the skin for few 10 min which enhance your beauty, and it helps to reduce wrinkles, pimples, acne and dark spot in your face).
>> The liquid from the papaya leaf is used to cure fever, and also helps to cure heart diseases.The papaya seed also helps to cure stomach infections.
>>Papaya is used as facial mask.


Unknown said...

i will second that... anything wid papaya helps in pimples..
what really helped me is here ................ do checkout

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