Thursday, 26 December 2013

How to increase memory power

How to improve your memory power? Two ways to improve memory:          1)Supplements for memory power.          2)Games to enhance memory power. Here is some memory supplements, it helps to improve your brain power naturally. >> Cut kozhlai kilangu[Botanical name : Cyperus Rotundus] into pieces and mix with honey and then eat it. >> Vallarai[Botanical name : Gotu Kota] is used to improve memory. >> Thudhuvalai [Purple fruited pea egg plant]  is very good memory supplements. Mix thudhuvalai with Ghee and prepare  it as curry. >> Pomegranate is also used  to increase brain power. Games to improve memory. >> Focus a small dot on a wall for few minutes, actually it is one of the memory improvement...

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Best supplements for Muscle gain

How to gain muscles??? 1)Eat pumpkin regularly up to 3 months, it is the best tips to get muscle for those who have lean or skinny muscle body. 2)Tips to gain weight fast – Drink milk with honey  at night every day, This makes to weight gain and this is the best weight  gainer. 3)Food supplements  to gain muscles – Eat high protein content food  such as ground nuts, milk, egg, banana, fish, chicken.    These are all high protein rich food supplements.This make you to gain weight and build body muscles quickly, but if you are taking this food regularly.    For Example Daily Protein intake calculations       If your weight is 40 kg, you should take (2*40)gm of protein food daily. 4)Tips for lean or skinny body...

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Natural beauty tips

Beauty tips for various skin problems at home availability fruits and products  Beauty tips for face glow       : Mix banana with olive oil. Apply it on face. Leave it for half an hour to one hour, then wash your face. Tips to remove Wrinkles       : Apply cabbage juice on your face regularly as facial mask. To make skin clear and soft  : Mix sandal powder with lemon juice, make it into paste, apply it on your face as facial mask, lemon removes all dust particles and get your skin clear.Sandal makes your face soft and get brighten skin. Sandal is the best natural product for skin brightening.  Food for beautiful skin.     1) Tips to improve skin color : Mix honey, turmeric powder and saffron...

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Cure for baldness

Hair regrowth in bald head Yes, its true.Onion is used for hair growth.Onion also reversing grey hair.Onion have been used for hundreds of years to treat thin and greying hair.It is used to cure baldness. Onion is rich in sulfur which is essential nutrients,which helps in regenerating the hair follicles and promoting hair growth.Onion juice helps to improve the circulations to the hair follicles.It stimulate hair growth.If you are facing lot of problems of hair fall, bald patches on your head especially male pattern baldness, who want to length their hair, try use onion (onion juice).It also helps to kills germs , parasites, and fungal infections, it can aid in prevention of hair loss. How to make onion juice to prevent hair loss    Make onion juice by juicer.   How to use...

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Treatment for eye strain

Tips to reduce eye pain Most of the computer users, people those who sleep at late night suffer from the problem of head ache, eye pain and dark circles under eyes. Tips to reduce eye strain. >>Take sleep with minimum of 5 hours and maximum of 8 hour per day regularly. >>Sit at the proper position in front of the compute system. >>Leave at least 60 cm gap between you and the computer system. >>Take few min break at regular interval while using the computer system regularly. >>Minimize the glare and maximize the contrast of the text screen.     Now you are free from headaches, burning of eyes, blurred vision, loss of focus, neck and shoulder pain, dark circles , puffed and tired ey...

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